
Land of the free or a huge company? Companies are bailed out when in trouble. What about us?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


       Poison. Let me explain. There is a huge company called Monsanto. They genetically engineer seeds. Seeds for corn, soybean, wheat, and pretty much any grain. These seeds are then given to farmers. The farmers then grow the seeds into their final product. A genetically modified organism that we later consume. Did you know that food companies don't even have to label if the food is all natural or genetically modified? Yup, that's right. Your favorite cereals all the way to fruits can be modified. For what purpose would they do such a thing? Let's go on even further.

       Money. It is so beneficial for these mega companies to make there own seeds. These seeds contain DNA of which is not normal when compared to another seed of the same but natural item. Ever heard of "Roundup"? Monsanto also makes pesticides! What a great combination. Food and pesticides in one place, literally. They take the DNA from powerful and poisonous pesticides and insert it into the seeds from which then are grown. Let me ask you a question. Would you eat genetically modified foods? Do you think it's okay that companies do not label the foods that are made from these seeds?

      Even the "healthy", "All Natural", cereals on our store shelves are now being made with the corn and grains that have been modified. Let's take a shot of Roundup to celebrate! Scientists from all over the world have been investigating these seeds and experimenting with mice to see what effect they have on them. Shockingly, the mice that ate the foods derived from the modified seeds had a 70% higher chance of getting cancer than that of a mouse that has been eating the non modified foods. The reason for this is because of the chemical reactions in our bodies to the altered DNA in the foods.

      If you are a fan of milk, here is another thing to watch out for. Milk comes from cows. Cows are fed corn. That corn was grown from a GMO (genetically modified organism) which means the milk that the cow produces if full of this stuff. Sadly, their isn't much we can do. The real all natural food items are super expensive and with the next world war coming it will get even more expensive. The fact that the FDA does not require the labeling of these products is a turn off. But if these government backed mega corporations keep doing this we will see a huge die off of humans in the decades to come due to cancer. Cancer in fact has tripled in the passed 40-50 years.

      It is time to be careful what you eat. Cornucopia is a research firm based in Wisconsin that has on their website, a list of healthy and organic cereals here www. People who know me know that I am very against pretty much everything that our government is doing. I am trying to take the right precautions. You should too. Watch what you eat or it'll kill ya, literally......

To be taken seriously

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